5V MicroB USB Power Protection
I'm trying to determine what kind of back-power protection there is on these boards. I'm putting such protection into my board already, but that only protects it one-way. (IE, it will protect my power supply if they plug another supply into the board, but will not protect their power supply from mine.) If I hook up a power supply on the GPIO pins, will it send that voltage to the power header on the board as well, or is the LP5300 in the schematic there to prevent that? Speaking of the LP5300, It says that it's on U30 on the board, but I can't find any documentation on a chip caled an LP5300, nor can I find a U30 anywhere on the silkscreen. Is there any more info on this?
If there's no protection for the user's power supply plugged into that header, I'll have to block it off with the case so they can't plug anything in, and provide another USB header on my board.